Welcome to Gopi Kochar and Party

Gopi Kochar and Party

Gopi Kochar belongs to Education City Rohtak.

Gopi is here today because of his aggressive approach towards singing. At very early age he started attending jagrans and other devotional programmes and very soon he realises that one supreme power to control the world.


From that day onwards his spiritual journey continues till date and many other vcds, cassettes of Bhents, Bhajans of Maa Sherawali, Bhagwan Shiv, Hanuman ji, Khatu Shyam ji, Sai Baba, Babosa ji has been released by various music companies.

Gopi is creating new dimensions and making it possible to reach new heights. Gopi is organizing jagran and bhajan sandhya programmes from last 25 years and each one of these has been memorable and outstanding.


We provides our best services like Maa Bhagwati Jagran, Mata ka Jagrata, Sai Sandhya etc. from more then 20 years. Currently we provides in many cities of india.

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